Saturday, March 22, 2008

What a terrible mommy!!!

So I blogged that my child was born on March 3rd which so is not true!!! She was born on the 9th of March. Kind of funny that Dad did not catch that slip up when he proof read my entry. Just goes to show how exhaustion will zap your brain!!! Thank you to a friend who pointed this out to us.

Kind of on a side note, our family birthdays all have a 9 in them.
Brad - 09/07/78
Lauren - 11/09/78
Emelia - 03/09/08

We are also 30 years older than our child. My father is 30 years younger than his mother and 30 years older than his youngest daughter(my sister).

Pretty neat, huh!! Oh, baby's crying got to run!!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Emelia Makana Foster is Here!!

She is finally here. Actually she is about 8 days old now. I have been trying to work on this post in my head since she arrived and have literally had my hands full. Sorry for the delay in the details.

Emelia Makana Foster made her arrival on Sunday March 3rd at 4:33pm. She weighed 7lbs 4.6ozs and was 19 1/4 inches long. The delivery went pretty well. Once I got my Magic Juice (epidural) I was great. Things kind of flew by as I look back on it now. Everyone always tells you it will all be worth it once your child is looking back at you, and they are all right. It was all worth the pain. So life begins a new chapter in the Foster Household.

Here is Dad minutes after Eme came out. What a proud Dad he is!! He was an awesome coach and very supportive partner in this whole process. Wow, this is me after the delivery. Man, I look rough. It was all kind of surreal.Check out our little ham!! Howdy world, I am Eme and I am here to stay.

Here is a much better picture of me and Eme. I had time to get showered and cleaned up after the whole process.

So, Brad's Mom was here for the birth after her flight was canceled on Sunday by the airlines. She left Monday, while we were still at the hospital. We had one day at home by ourselves before my parents came into town. They have been here since the 12th and will be leaving to go back home on the 31st. They actually are on their way to the Big Island of Hawaii for a few days to sight see and give Brad and I some time alone as a family with Eme while he is still off work.

I will try to post some more pictures soon. I have to figure out how to juggle all the things in our lives now so bear with us. Thanks for reading and hope to hear from you!

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Her room is getting pretty!!

So I finally got her crib cleared out and put her bedding set up. The pattern that we picked out is Lambs and Ivy "Sweet as a Daisy". It is pretty purple and green with butterflies, lady bugs, and daisies. Here is her crib with the mobile attached. I don't have the sheets on yet because I still have to wash them. I also have to tie on the bumper and fluff the bed skirt but I will do that once we take the mattress out of the plastic. Here is the mobile. The pink blanket in the background was a gift from Susan, who is the wife of Brad's XO on the boat. She is a fabulous quilter; she made the blanket out of a pretty Hawaiian fabric and fuzzy purple fur. The dogs love it so it has their seal of approval. Now I just have to make sure that they know this is a baby blanket and not a puppy blanket. Here is a close up of the comforter. This is the side of the crib showing the bumper on top, then the mattress in the plastic, then the crib skirt.
More to come later...