Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Happy Birthday My Love

Happy Birthday to Eme!!! Here are some pictures from her first few days and her birthday yesterday.

Mommy and Eme at Tripler Hospital in Hawaii.Daddy and Eme minutes after her birth. I love the expression on her face. "Hi Pops!"
Little Angel sleeping in the hospital the day we went home.
Our first Easter together as a threesome.
Our friend Vaiva did this with her daughter Katrina and I thought it was a cute idea so we did it too. This is a big purple bunny that I bought to use as a growth chart for Eme. Each month, I took her picture next to the bunny so that we can compare her growth from month to month. I will share with you her first month picture which was taken 3/23 and her 1 year picture. What a big girl. I want to take her picture with the bunny each year on her birthday for a few more years to come.

Here is Eme showing you where the Bunny's nose is -
and where her nose is. She can also identify her head, ears, mouth and we are working on her eyes. She can also point them out on other people and in a book.

Here is her birthday party. We have had a party in Houston before we left at the end of Feb with my parents and sister. We had this party last night with Mommy and Daddy. She will have another party next weekend with her friends. Man, I don't know that I can keep up the multi party tradition as she gets older. I made her mini cupcakes and iced them in pink icing. I had them on a plate but she promptly turned the plate upside down on her tray.
We had to show her how to put her finger in it and taste the icing. Then Brad broke the pieces up for her. She liked to put the pieces in her hand and squish them into crumbs. Then licked her hand.
Yummy icing!!!Daddy brought home these beautiful flowers for Mommy to celebrate the year with Eme. Isn't he sweet!!! Thanks honey! Our day started early with a dr's visit and shots. Eme got her MMR, Chicken Pox and Hep A. Mommy got her allergy shots too, one in each arm. Then we came home and Eme took her nap a little early. For lunch, she had yogurt for the first time. Then we played with some new toys. She went down for her second nap and I made her cupcakes. Daddy got home and Eme had dinner then we had her party. Eme got a bath and then off to bed she went. I think her first birthday went very well. She had presents to open from Grammy and Gramps along with a card from Great Grandmother and Grandpa. She got calls from her Granddad, her Grandpa, and her Auntie. She received lots of messages on Mommy's face book page and even an Ecard from Grandpa. Thank you to everyone for their birthday wishes. I will be making every effort to capture them all for her book.

The past year has been very long and hectic. At times, it seemed unbearable. You know, looking back it was rough but I would not trade it for anything in the world. I love having Eme in our life and I can't imagine our life without her. I can't wait for the many years to come. I am sure that there with be rough days in our future but I will get through them just like all moms out there do.
Happy birthday little girl, we love you!! You are our little Makana and you bring us joy every day. Love you always, Mom and Dad.


Rhinehart said...

Happy Birthday Eme!!!!! You have a wonderful mom!

ronee said...

happy birthday my makana!

Vaiva said...

Happy Birthday little one! Love the pics. Glad to hear y'all are well.

Vaiva said...

Oh, forgot to say, that I love the pics where Eme is pointing her nose. And, yes, pics with bunny are great to see how she's growing. Glad you liked the idea :)

Shelly said...

Happy Birthday Eme!!! Just think, next year we will be there to celebrate with you!!! What a beautiful little girl you have Lauren and Brad!!!

Rebecca Meece said...

Happy Birthday Eme! Sounds like she had a good one and enjoyed her cake! Cute pictures