Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!!

We got all dressed up and headed over to the Marine Corp base for an Easter Egg hunt only to find out that it was yesterday. Oh well, not that Eme really would have know what was going on anyway. We still have a boat Easter party to go to so she will get to hunt eggs there. So instead we headed over to Pinky's, our favorite pupu bar and grill, to eat a yummy breakfast buffet. It was really good. Brad and I had mimosas, eggs Benedict with crab cakes and spinach, salmon with lobster and crab in a yummy cream sauce, fruit, prime rib, and the typical breakfast foods. It was very good. Eme had some french toast which was a first for her. She loved it. She was getting tired so we made it a quick breakfast and headed home for a nap for all. Here are some pictures from this morning.

Eme reading the Easter book to Daddy

Eme excited that she got a cute little Easter bunny basket from our friends next door.

Happy Easter all dressed up, head to toe navy and pink

Eme was toast since it was close to nap time. She was a trooper and made it through the meal with out too much fussing. She decided that she was done and ready for her nap so she used her new bunny lovey as a pillow on the table. Thanks Grandma! That is her new sippy cup with a straw that she loves.
Here is Brad's boat coming home yesterday.


Anonymous said...

She looks adorable and so does Brad :) Food sound yummy!

Love Grandma

Vaiva said...


Katrina has the same cup and she loves it too. Straw cup is the only cup she'll drink from.

Glad you have Brad back. We're still waiting for our daddy to return. Soon, soon...

ronee said...

I love you..i miss you!

Rebecca Meece said...

Cute Pictures! Love the new signing ones too.

ronee said...

we had pupus. just kidding..YES more then a movie! i want DAYS spent together! you know moms house has a pool! i love you