Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Mele Kalikimaka

Merry Christmas from Hawaii!! Here are some pictures of Santa at the end of his tour around the world after a very long night. He and the Mrs enjoy a very nice vacation here in paradise.

We have been MIA from blogging since our last post. Sorry if I caused any worry to anyone and thank you for those who questioned our whereabouts. We are doing great. Since moving in to the house, it has been hard to stop and rest. We have been very busy getting unpacked and settled. Brad's work has picked up pace and they are pushing to get the boat back into the water. Anyway, we wake up to beautiful blue skies and warm weather. The temperature is a toasty 74 degrees. I hope everyone else is staying warm and toasty wherever you are. I will update some more soon. Wishing everyone a happy holiday! Mele Kalikimaka!


Anonymous said...

YAY!! I'm so glad to hear from you. Merry Christmas.
Allison Sovany

Unknown said...

I am happy to hear from you...