Monday, January 26, 2009

Silly me and a sign

So I posted a fix to take the nav bar off my blog because is was ugly and had orange in it. For those of you who don't know I really dislike the color orange. No it is not because I am an Aggie, I just don't like the color orange. Anyway, the point was that I thought the nav bar was ugly and I removed it. Well, I did not think that one through very much as I just tried to update the blog and I could not figure out how to log in without using the nav bar. I finally figured out a way but it took way to long so I put the ugly bar back on. Ughhh, whatever.

So I had a doosey of a day on Saturday. I got up and ready to go in the car by 9 am, which for me was a huge accomplishment. So I loaded Eme in to the car and realized that I had taken the car paci into the house the last time we were in the car and did not bring it out this time. So I went back into the house to get one, got it and locked the house up and was walking back to the car when all of a sudden I was on the ground in pain. I ate it big time on the sidewalk. Luckily no one saw but I was now gushing blood from my knee. So I got Eme out of the car, went back into the house and cleaned my leg up, while chasing Eme down since I was not watching her. She can crawl really fast when she wants to. Anyway, I did actually take pictures of my banged up knee but I will spare you the goriness. I am sporting the latest in Band Aid fashion, a huge 2x2 bandage. Well, it hurt like heck but I sucked it up and limped back out to the car to load little bit in her car seat so we could head off on our day of shopping. I did get everything that I needed so tasks were accomplished.

So I think this was a sign of what is to come in the very near future. I am convinced that I needed to go through a skinned knee to help Eme get through hers. She is getting braver and more daring with her cruising. She is pulling up onto everything and will be walking very soon. That being said, I am sure that scraps and bruises are to come any day now. I guess I needed a reminder of how to take care of them so I was tested. Now I know that it hurts like heck and is a pain in the neck too, as I can't get down on the ground very easily without bending my knee.

I gave a friend a baby shower on Sunday, hence the shopping trip on Saturday, which was a lot of fun. Eme got to play with new friends, Ava, who is almost 2 and donates many clothes to Eme, and Skylar, who is 4. I loved watching her interact with the big girls. I have to get her into a day care with other kiddos in March so that she can learn social skills and make friends.

Today, I had Physical Therapy, aka Pain and Torture. Nothing much else going on. Oh, the PT was not for my little fall but for my back that has been giving me lots of pain recently.

This week will be filled with preparations to see the grandparents and family.
So here is a picture from New Year's Day. I need a thought bubble above her head most of the time just to see what is going through her mind. The caption for this would probably go something like this - 'What - I sure did not make this mess with the Cheerios. By no means, did I reach into my diaper bag, pull the baggie out, and chew on it to create a hole to let the Cheerios out all over the floor. But since they are on the floor, I guess I can help clean them up by eating them. Maybe the doggies would like a snack, too. '

Have a great Tuesday!

1 comment:

Rebecca Meece said...

Hey Lauren! Welcome back to the blogging world....we are excited to see pics of Eme and hear how yall are doing. She is so cute and sounds like she is keeping you very busy:)
Loved your Christmas card!